by Ylva Ferstl, Michael Neff and Rachel McDonnell
It's A Match! Gesture Generation Using Expressive Parameter Matching. Ylva Ferstl, Michael Neff and Rachel McDonnell. In AAMAS '21: 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Virtual Event, United Kingdom, May 3-7, 2021 (Frank Dignum, Alessio Lomuscio, Ulle Endriss, Ann Nowé, eds.). ACM. 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Ylva Ferstl and
Michael Neff and
Rachel McDonnell},
editor = {Frank Dignum and
Alessio Lomuscio and
Ulle Endriss and
Ann Now{\'{e}}},
title = {It's {A} Match! Gesture Generation Using Expressive Parameter Matching},
booktitle = {{AAMAS} '21: 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems, Virtual Event, United Kingdom, May 3-7, 2021},
pages = {1495--1497},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2021},
url = {},
doi = {10.5555/3463952.3464137},
timestamp = {Wed, 20 Jul 2022 17:03:47 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}