DAVIS: Density-Adaptive Synthetic-Vision Based Steering for Virtual Crowds
Rowan Hughes, Jan Ondrej, John Dingliana
MIG '15: Proceedings of the 8th International ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games, 2015
Auditory-Visual Virtual Environment for the Treatment of Fear of Crowds
Marine Taffou, Jan Ondrej, Carol O'Sullivan, Olivier Warusfel, Stephanie Dubal, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon
VRIC'15, Laval, France, April 2015
Multi-View Intrinsic Images of Outdoors Scenes with an Application to Relighting
Sylvain Duchene, Clement Riant, Gaurav Chaurasia , Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Pierre-Yves Laffont, Stefan Popov, Adrien Bousseau and George Drettakis .
Submitted to ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
Evaluation of Direct Manipulation using Finger Tracking for Complex Tasks in an Immersive Cube
Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Maud Marchal, Evanthia Dimara, Maria Roussou, Jean-Christophe Lombardo and George Drettakis. .
Virtual Reality Journal 2014
Reminiscence Therapy using Image-Based Rendering in VR
Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Rachid Guerchouche, Pierre-David Petit, Gaurav Chaurasia, Philippe Robert and George Drettakis. .
Proceeding of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference - 2014
XML3D and Xflow: Combining Declarative 3D for the Web with Generic Data Flows
Klein, F, Sons, K, Rubinstein, D, Slusallek, P. .
In Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE , vol.33, no.5, pp.38-47, Sept.-Oct. 2013. doi: 10.1109/MCG.2013.67
How Do People Edit Light Fields?
Adrian Jarabo, Belen Masia, Adrien Bousseau, Fabio Pellacini and Diego Gutierrez .
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33 (SIGGRAPH 2014)
Intrinsic Video and Applications
Genzhi Ye, Elena Garces, Yebin Liu, Qionghai Dai and Diego Gutierrez .
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33 (SIGGRAPH 2014)
Capturing and Stylizing Hair for 3D Fabrication
Jose I. Echevarria, Derek Bradley, Diego Gutierrez, Thabo Beeler .
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33 (4) (SIGGRAPH 2014)
Effects of Approximate Filtering on the Appearance of Bidirectional Texture Functions
Adrian Jarabo, Hongzhi Wu, Julie Dorsey, Holly Rushmeier, Diego Gutierrez .
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2014
Holonomic Collision Avoidance for Virtual Crowds
Rowan Hughes, Jan Ondrej and John Dingliana
SCA '14: Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation, July 2014, 103-111
Familiar Environments Enhance Object and Spatial Memory in both Younger and Older Adults
Niamh Merriman, Jan Ondrej, Eugenie Roudaia, Carol O'Sullivan and Fiona Newell
ANFA '14: Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture, September 2014
Experiment-based Modelling and Simulation of Holonomic Collision Avoidance Strategies for Virtual Humans
Rowan Hughes, Jan Ondrej and John Dingliana
Motion in Games 2013, Posters
The role of environment familiarity on spatial memory for novel objects: An ageing study
Niamh Merriman, Jan Ondrej, Carol O'Sullivan and Fiona Newell
Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany, August 2013
A Metric of Visual Comfort for Stereoscopic Motion
Song-Pei Du, Belen Masia, Shi-Min Hu and Diego Gutierrez .
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32 (6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2013)
A Survey of Computational Displays. Pushing the Boundaries of Optics, Computation and Perception
Belen Masia, Gordon Wetzstein, Piotr Didyk, Diego Gutierrez .
Computers & Graphics, 37
Display Adaptive 3D Content Remapping
Belen Masia, Gordon Wetzstein, Carlos Aliaga, Ramesh Raskar, Diego Gutierrez .
Computers & Graphics, 37 (8)
Beyond backchannels : co-construction of dyadic stance by reciprocal reinforcement of smiles between virtual agents
Ken Prepin, Magalie Ochs, and Catherine Pelachaud. P .
resented at: COGSCI 2013 The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, July 2013
Social stances by virtual smiles
Magalie Ochs, Catherine Pelachaud, and Ken Prepin. .
Presented at: WIAMIS, Paris, July 2013
From emotions to interpersonal stances: Multi-levels analysis of smiling virtual characters
Magalie Ochs, Ken Prepin, and Catherine Pelachaud. .
Presented at: International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Geneva, Switzerland, September 2013
Dynamic coupling of social agents
Ken Prepin, Magalie Ochs. Presented at: Fourth International Conference On Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, ICTA'13, Hammamet, October 2013 .
Recommendations for the use of Serious Games in people with Alzheimer?s Disease, related disorders and frailty.
Robert Philippe, König Alexandra, Amieva Hélene, Andrieu Sandrine, Bremond François, Bullock Roger, Ceccaldi Mathieu, Dubois Bruno, Gauthier Serge, Kenigsberg Paul-Ariel, Nave Stéphane, Orgogozo Jean Marc, Piano Julie, Benoit Michel, Touchon Jacques, Vellas Bruno, Yesavage Jerome, Manera Valeria. .
In Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Vol 6. No 54. 2014
Fortress City Saarlouis: Development of an interactive 3D City Model using Web Technologies
Kristian Sons and Georg Demme and Wolfgang Herget and Philipp Slusallek. .
In Proceedings of the CAA 2013 Conference Across Space and Time 2013 (Editor: A. Traviglia)
Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image-based Navigation
Gaurav Chaurasia, Sylvain Duchene, George Drettakis, .
ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(4) (SIGGRAPH), (2013)
Perception of Perspective Distortions in Image-Based Rendering
Peter Vangorp, Christian Richardt, Emily A. Cooper, Gaurav Chaurasia, Martin S. Banks, George Drettakis, .
ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(4) (SIGGRAPH), (2013)
Femto-Photography: Capturing and Visualizing the Propagation of Light
Andreas Velten, Di Wu, Adrian Jarabo, Belen Masia, Christopher Barsi, Chimnaya Joshi, Everett Lawson, Moungi G. Bawendi, Diego Gutierrez, Ramesh Raskar, .
ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(4) (SIGGRAPH), (2013)
Multiple Light Source Estimation in a Single Image
Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Elena Garces, Sunil Hadap, Erik Reinhard, Diego Gutierrez, .
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 32, (2013)
Declarative AR and Image Processing on the Web with Xflow
Felix Klein, Dmitri Rubinstein, Kristian Sons, Farshad Einabad, Stephan Herhut and Philipp Slusallek, .
18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D), (2013)
XML3DRepo: A REST API for Version Controlled 3D Assets on the Web
Jozef Dobo, Kristian Sons, Dmitri Rubinstein, Philipp Slusallek and Anthony Steed, .
18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D), (2013)
Declarative Integration of Interactive 3D Graphics into the World-Wide Web: Principles, Current Approaches, and Research Agenda
Jacek Jankowski, Sandy Ressler, Kristian Sons, Yvonne Jung, Johannes Behr and Philipp Slusallek, .
18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D), (2013)
xml3d.js: Architecture of a Polyfill Implementation of XML3D
Sons, K., Schlinkmann, C., Klein, F., Rubinstein, D., Slusallek, P., .
6th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS) , (2013)
The Effect of Balance Training on Audio-Visual Integration in Older Adults
Niamh A. Merriman, Caroline Whyatt, Annalisa Setti, Nicholas Gillian, William Young, Stuart Ferguson, Cathy Craig, Fiona N. Newell, .
13th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), (2013)
Beyond backchannels: co-construction of dyadic stancce by reciprocal reinforcement of smiles between virtual agents
Ken Prepin, Magalie Ochs and Catherine Pelachaud, .
Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), (2013)
Social stances by virtual smiles
Magalie Ochs and Catherine Pelachaud, Ken Prepin, .
14th International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive services (WIAMIS), (2013)
The effect of ageing on acoustic facilitation of object movement detection within optic-flow
Eugenie Roudaia, Finnegan J. Calabro, Lucia M. Vaina and Fiona N. Newell, .
International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) (In press), (2013)
Perceptual training alters the time window of multisensory integration
David P. McGovern, Neil W. Roach, Eugenie Roudaia and Fiona N. Newell, .
International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) (In press), (2013)
Crowd Light: Evaluating the Perceived Fidelity of Illuminated Dynamic Scenes
Adrian Jarabo, Tom Van Eyck, Veronica Sundstedt, Kavita Bala, Diego Gutierrez and Carol O'Sullivan, .
Computer Graphics Forum 31(2) (EUROGRAPHICS), (2012)
Push it Real: Perceiving Causality in Virtual Interactions
Ludovic Hoyet, Rachel McDonnell and Carol O'Sullivan .
ACM Transaction on Graphics 31(4) (SIGGRAPH), (2012)
Gabor Noise by Example
Bruno Galerne, Ares Lagae, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis, .
ACM Transactions on Graphics 31(4) (SIGGRAPH),, (2012)
Auditory-visual integration of emotional signals in a virtual environment for cynophobia
Marine Taffou, Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Adrien David, Rachid Guerchouche, George Drettakis, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, .
17th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference (CYBER17), (2012)
Procedural audio modelling for particle-based environmental effects
Charles Verron, George Drettakis, .
133rd Audio engineering society convention, (2012)
SMAA: Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing
Jorge Jimenez, Jose I. Echeverria, Tiago Sousa, Diego Gutierrez, .
Computer Graphics Forum Vol. 31(2) (EUROGRAPHICS), (2012)
Intrinsic Images by Clustering
Elena Garces, Adolfo Munoz, Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Diego Gutierrez, .
Computer Graphics Forum Vol. 31(4) (EGSR), (2012)
Coherent Intrinsic Images from Image Collections
Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, Sylvain Paris, Fredo Durand, Sylvain, George Drettakis, .
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31 (SIGGRAPH Asia), (2012)
Rich Intrinsic Image Decomposition of Outdoor Scenes from Multiple Views
Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis, .
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(2), (2012)
Xflow - Declarative Data Processing for the Web
Felix Klein, Kristian Sons, Dmitri Rubinstein, Sergiy Byelozyorov, Stefan John, Philipp Slusallek, .
17th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D), (2012)
Mutual Stance Building in Dyad of Virtual Agents: Smile Alignment and Synchronisation
Ken Prepin, Madelaine Ochs, Catherine Pelachaud, International Workshop SocialCom, (2012) .
Live Generation of Interactive Non-Verbal Behaviours
Ken Prepin, Catherine Pelachaud, .
11th International Conference on Agent and Multi Agents Systems (AAMAS), (2012)