Graphics and Vision Lab

School of Computer Science and Statistics, TCD



GV Research Projects:

TRANSMIXR - Ignite the
Immersive Media Sector by
Enabling New Narrative Visions

This page is about research activities at the Graphics and Vision Lab of Trinity College Dublin, who are partners in the TRANSMIXR EU Project. For more details of the full TRANSMIXR project and consortium, please see the consortium website:

About Us

TRANSMIXR is a collaborative EU project involving 20 partners from industry and academia with the goal of creating novel human-centric tools for remote content production and consumption via social virtual reality. Members of the Graphics and Vision lab at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) are participating in the project by contributing technical expertise and experience in immersive technology, including Extended Reality (XR) development and Volumetric Video understanding.

TCD will conduct research in the use of Computer Vision and Graphics techniques for the semantic understanding of Volumetric Video, an emergent digital media format comprising 3D geometry and appearance capture from the real world. Volumetric video has many potential novel applications in the areas of Augmented, Mixed and Virtual reality, for instance in the animation of personalized and photo-realistic 3D holograms of real people. The objective of our work in TRANSMIXR is to improve the quality of volumetric video and increase its ease of deployment and interoperability with other, more traditional, forms of digital media.

The team at TCD will also contribute to the consortium's broader activities including the development of a collaborative XR Creation Environment for the application of multimodal Extended Reality in novel uses cases such as the newsrooms and museums of the future or XR applications in performing arts.

Team members

  • Prof. John Dingliana. Co-PI, and Project Manager for TCD [url | linkedIn]
  • Prof. Gareth Young, Co-PI [url | linkedIn]
  • Dr. Colm O Fearghail, Research Fellow [linkdIn]
  • Dr. Nivesh Gadipudi, Research Fellow [likedIn]

Press Release 05.10.2022

TRANSMIXR Project Kick-off

We are delighted to announce that the TRANSMIXR project has received Horizon Europe funding of 9 million euros. TRANSMIXR is a three-year project set to kick off in October 2022 under the leadership of the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), Athlone campus, Ireland.

With the maturity of eXtended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, a unique window of opportunity for the European Creative and Cultural Sector (CCS) exists to reimagine digital co-creation, interaction and engagement possibilities. The TRANSMIXR platform will provide (i) a distributed XR Creation Environment that supports remote collaboration practices, and (ii) an XR Media Experience Environment for the delivery and consumption of evocative and immersive media experiences. Ground-breaking AI techniques for the understanding and processing of complex media content will enable the reuse of heterogeneous assets across immersive content delivery platforms. Using the Living Labs methodology, TRANSMIXR will develop and evaluate four pilots that bring the vision of future media experiences to life in four important CCS domains: news media, broadcasting, performing arts, and cultural heritage.

TRANSMIXR Project Coordinator, Dr. Niall Murray of TUS and investigator in the SFI Adapt Centre said "TRANSMIXR is a very exciting project that will create a suite of user centric technologies to support the creation, consumption and understanding of new media experiences in distributed, collaborative and immersive ways. Underpinned by the convergence of AI and XR, the design of these new systems will be informed by and be evaluated with real end users. A key strength of the TRANSMIXR consortium is its interdisciplinary nature, bringing complimentary technical, methodological and domain expertise together to create impactful solutions for the creative and culture sectors."

The consortium brings together leading universities and research centres: Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (Ireland), Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI, Netherlands), Modul Technology GmbH (Austria), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (CERTH, Greece), and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Switzerland) blend theoretical and applied AI and XR R&D expertise. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) are leading the efforts with respect to user centred design. Furthermore, industry partners Intel Germany GmbH (Germany), VRAI (Ireland), Khora APS (Denmark), Immersion (France) and webLyzard technology (Austria) bring technical expertise and reflect the interests of commercial organisations. Finally, media practitioners from the different TRANSMIX CCS domains will ensure the developed technologies are grounded on real industry needs. The partners include Agence France-Presse (AFP, France), RTV Slovenia (Slovenia), Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision (Netherlands), Baltic Film & Creative Tech Cluster (Lithuania), European Broadcasting Union (AISBL EBU-UER, Belgium), Sparknews (France) and Satore Studio (Portugal).

The TRANSMIXR project will hold its kickoff meeting 25th & 26th October in Athlone, Ireland. The participating partners are currently recruiting across a wide range of expertise in the fields related to the project. Please see further information on the project website and social media channels.




Join our TRANSMIXR Team @ TCD

Our Team at TCD are looking to hire a research fellow (post-PhD) or research assistant (post-MSc) to work in our group on creating novel human-centric tools for content production and consumption via social virtual reality.[MORE DETAILS].

Contact Us

Dr. John Dingliana
Graphics and Vision Discipline
School of Computer Science and Statistics [SCSS]
Trinity College Dublin [TCD],
Dublin 2, Ireland
Email: John.Dingliana AT
Phone (School Reception): +353 1 896 1765

Location of our Labs & Offices:
Stack B, Customs House Quay, Dublin 1

Webmaster: John.Dingliana AT
Copyright © 2023 TCD TRANSMIXR Team