Graphics and Vision Lab

School of Computer Science and Statistics, TCD



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This page is about research activities at the Graphics and Vision Lab of Trinity College Dublin, who are partners in the TRANSMIXR EU Project. For more details of the full TRANSMIXR project and consortium, please see the consortium website:

Vacancy: Research Position in Graphics and XR

CLOSING DATE: 18th March, 2025 or as soon as the post is filled thereafter

We are looking to hire a research fellow (post-PhD) or research assistant (post-MSc) to work with us for a 4-6 months on the development of novel human-centric tools for content production and consumption via social virtual reality.

Some key areas of responsibility of the post are as follows:

  • XR CREATION TOOLS: Contribute to the development and evaluation of tools that will enable story creators to produce novel XR media experiences, focussing on 3D capture of humans, but also supporting 2D video and text content.
  • XR AUDIENCE EXPERIENCES: Leverage a range of technologies to enable active immersive content consumption experiences for end users, and contribute to the evaluation of such technologies.
  • VOLUMETRIC VIDEO and HUMAN MOTION MODELS: contribute research and development efforts in Computer Graphics, AI and Computer Vision for analysis and processing of volumetric video and human motion data, to allow better usage and integration of such content into XR experiences, enhance the properties of volumetric data and enable better integration with established content creation pipelines.
  • DEPLOYMENT OF PILOTS: collaborate with use-case partners in the development and evaluation of pilot demonstrators featuring the tools developed in the project
  • COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION: attend recurrent meetings with inter-institutional partners to plan and advance project goals; contribute to presentation and written reporting of work to the funding agency and stakeholders; and participate in publishing results and increasing the visibility of the project among targeted communities and the public. The researcher will be expected to travel abroad (within Europe) for some project.

For more information, see the detailed job specification: PDF


Contact Us

Dr. John Dingliana
Graphics and Vision Discipline
School of Computer Science and Statistics [SCSS]
Trinity College Dublin [TCD],
Dublin 2, Ireland
Email: John.Dingliana AT
Phone (School Reception): +353 1 896 1765

Location of our Labs & Offices:
Stack B, Customs House Quay, Dublin 1

Webmaster: John.Dingliana AT
Copyright © 2023 TCD TRANSMIXR Team