EG-Ireland 2002 Workshop: Report

The Irish chapter organised a peer-reviewed workshop as their launch event and Medialab Europe agreed to host this event in the hopstore on March 25th and 26th of this year. The special theme of the workshop was "Characters, Crowds and Virtual Worlds". Eurographics Ireland chair, Carol O’Sullivan, co-chaired the workshop, along with Sile O'Modhrain from MLE. This event was extremely successful and was attended by over 60 delegates, within Ireland from TCD, University College Cork, Dublin Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, Medialab Europe, Colaiste Dhulaigh and Havok; A large delegation came down from Northern Ireland, from Queens University Belfast and the University of Ulster. Further delegates came from Aalborg University, Denmark, the University of Iowa, U.S., the Manchester Visualisation Centre, and the BBC. Three invited talks were given by Justine Cassell from MIT media lab , Daniel Thalmann from EPFL in Switzerland and Steven Collins, chief technical officer of Havok, the Irish games physics software company. We received 15 full papers, which were sent for peer review, and 11 were accepted and published in a proceedings ISSN 1649-1807. This has given a great start to the new Irish chapter of Eurographics, and attendees from UCC, University of Ulster and Blanchardstown Institute of Technology have expressed their willingness to host this workshop next year. A great feeling of community was fostered during the two days which we will endeavour to maintain. A potentially desirable situation would be to hold the workshop on alternative years north and south of the border, so it is most likely that the event will be held in UU next year, pending discussion.

Some photos

Click on the small image for a larger one.

Steve Collins showing us Havok's dragon demo...

Coffee breaks offered an opportunity to chat...

Daniel Thalmann gave an invited talk and also chose the best paper. Here he presents the award, donated by Havok, to Chris Peters from the ISG.

Justine Cassell, from MIT Media Lab, was the keynote speaker.



Some of the delegates outside the hopstore after the event...