6-8 December, Dublin, Ireland
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
6 - 8 December, 2023 at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
ICAT-EGVE 2023, the joint 33rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 28th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, will be hosted at Trinity College Dublin in December 2023.
This year's conference is now over. Thanks to all who participated in and contributed to the conference.
2023 Conference Programme is now available HERE
Open Access is provided to the proceedings via the Eurographics Digital Library, licensed under Creative Commons and Plan-S compliant. For convenience, the links to the proceedings are provided below:
Full & Short Papers | Posters and Demos
Subtractive Mixing of Odor Components from Olfactory White to Generate Various Odors from a Limited Number of Components. Haruka Matsukura, Norihiro Suzuki, Ryusuke Chida, Shu Takahashi, Yuki Uzawa, and Hiroshi Ishida [LINK]
Don't Denigrate the CAVE! A Comparative Examination of CAVE and HMD for Navigation in Virtual Worlds. Theo Combe, Jean-Rémy Chardonnet, Fréderic Mérienne, Jivka Ovtcharova, and Daniel Mestre [LINK]
Mid-air Image's Background Changes the Impression of a Mid-air Image. Yutaro Yano and Naoya Koizumi [LINK]
Exploring the Perception of Center of Mass changes for VR Avatars. Bharat Vyas, Ludovic Hoyet, and Carol O'Sullivan [LINK]
Next Conference
The next iteration of ICAT-EGVE will be held in Tsukuba, Japan from 1st - 3rd December, 2024, and hosted by University of Tsukuba
ICAT-EGVE is a merger of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT) and the Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE). Together, these are two of the oldest international conferences in the world on Artificial Reality and Virtual Environments.
The conference, which will be held wholly in-person this year, features a technical program of papers, keynote talks, posters and demos on topics including but not limited to Virtual Environments, Telexistence, the Metaverse and Virtual Social Interactions in VR/AR/MR/XR. Please see our Call for Papers section for more details.
Please see the following link for information on previous iterations of this conference: https://icat.vrsj.org/
This year's conference will be hosted by the Graphics and Vision Lab at the School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin and is held in cooperation with the European Associaton for Computer Graphics (Eurographics) and the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ).
Contact Details: chairs-icategve2023@eg.org
- 10/12/2023 : A link to the proceedings has been posted in the programme page
- 07/12/2023 : Next years' Conference will be held in Tsukuba, Japan
- 22/11/2023 : Format details and templates for papers and posters been posted up HERE
- 16/11/2023 : Please note that it is still possible to register with the early registration rates until 25th November. There is also a social event ticket for those who purely want to attend the networking, posters and keynotes.
- 16/11/2023 : The full technical programme is now available including a full list of the papers and posters that will be presented at the conference.
- 06/11/2023 : A preliminary programme has been posted.
- 01/11/2023 : The review stage is over for all tracks. Thanks to reviewers, IPC members and chairs. Authors are advised to check their email inboxes and the SRM system for updated requirements.
- 29/09/2023 : The registration system is now open. The Early Bird Registration deadline is 8th November, 2023.
- 12/08/2023 : The Call for Posters & Demos has been posted. The deadline for submission is October 6th, 2023.
- 12/08/2023 : Full Papers Deadline extended until September 15th, 2023.
- 11/05/2023 : First Call for Papers posted. The tentative deadline for papers is August 18th, 2023.
- 09/05/2023 : Conference Website released
- 30/11/2022 : Announcement that Trinity College will host ICAT-EGVE in December 2023

Banner Image courtesy of Flickr and LenDog64, used under CC BY-ND 2.0 license