6-8 December, Dublin, Ireland
Open access is provided to the proceedings via the Eurographics Digital Library, licensed under Creative Commons and Plan-S compliant. For convenience, the links to the proceedings are provided below:
- Full and Short Papers: https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/3543920
- Posters and Demos: https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/3543921
Conference Timetable
The conference will be held at Trinity College Dublin, on the 6 - 8th December, 2023.
All invited Talks and Papers sessions will be held in the Davis Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin. The posters & demos session, registration and coffees and lunches will be held in the Arts Block Concourse, just outside the Davis Theatre. [DIRECTIONS]

Keynote Speakers ▲
Keynote #1: RACHEL McDONNELL, Trinity College Dublin
Take A Walk On The Wild Side: Experimenting With Human & Animal Avatars In Virtual Worlds
10:00 - 11:00am on Weds 6th, December (Davis Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin)
SESSION CHAIR: John Dingliana
ABSTRACT: Virtual reality allows us to immerse ourselves in alternative worlds in which we can embody avatars to take on new identities. The appearance of these avatars can have profound effects on how we are perceived and how we behave in virtual worlds. Usually, avatars are humanoid or possess very strong anthropomorphic qualities. Allowing users of VR to embody non-humanoid virtual characters or animals presents additional challenge. Extreme morphological differences and the complexities of different characters' motions can make the construction of a real-time mapping between input human motion and target character motion a difficult challenge. In this talk, I will discuss research that I have conducted over the years on the perception of virtual human appearances and how they can effect social interactions in VR. I will also discuss our recent research on realistic embodiment of animals!
SPEAKER BIO: Dr Rachel McDonnell is an Associate Professor in Creative Technolgies at Trinity College Dublin and fellow of Trinity College. She has been a member of a number of editorial boards and international program committees of top conferences such as ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, and IEEE Virtual Reality, and has been program chair for conferences including the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, ACM/SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games, and Eurographics STARs Programme. Her main research interests are Computer Graphics, Perception, Virtual Humans and Virtual Reality. She combines research in cutting-edge computer graphics and investigating the perception of virtual characters to both deepen our understanding of how virtual humans are perceived, and directly provide new algorithms and guidelines for industry developers on where to focus their efforts.
Keynote #2: ALJOSA SMOLIC, Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Volumetric Content Creation for Immersive XR Experiences
2:00pm - 3:00pm on Thurs 6th, December (Davis Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin)
CHAIR: Michael Manzke
ABSTRACT: Volumetric reconstruction addresses creation of 3D models as known from computer graphics from real world objects and scenes. Popular terms used in this context include photogrammetry or 3D scanning for the static case, and volumetric video or holograms for the dynamic case. Solutions have reached a high level of maturity and are widely used to bring real world content into eXtended Reality (XR), games, media, the metaverse and other applications. Recent advances in machine learning such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) disrupted this research field providing impressive visual results. The talk will highlight technology for volumetric content creation for static scenes and objects as well as for humans in motion as dynamic case. It will further showcase a variety of creative experiments applying volumetric reconstruction for immersive storytelling in XR.
SPEAKER BIO: Prof. Dr. Aljosa Smolic is Professor in the Computer Science Department of Hochschule Luzern in Switzerland and Co-Head of the Immersive Realities Research Lab. Before he was Professor of Creative Technologies at Trinity College Dublin heading the research group V-SENSE, Senior Research Scientist and Group Leader at Disney Research Zurich, and Scientific Project Manager and Group Leader at Fraunhofer HHI. He is also a Co-Founder of the company Volograms, which commercializes volumetric video technology. Prof. Smolic's expertise is in the broad area of visual computing (covering image/video processing, computer vision, computer graphics) with a focus on immersive XR technologies. He has published 250+ scientific papers and book chapters, holds 35+ patents and received several awards and recognitions for his research, including the IEEE ICME Star Innovator Award 2020 for his contributions to volumetric video content creation. Prof. Smolic served as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and the Signal Processing: Image Communication journal. He was Guest Editor for the Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE Transactions on CSVT, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and other scientific journals.
Keynote #3: KENNY MITCHELL Edinburgh Napier University
Delivering Intelligent Telexistence in Virtual Worlds with Everyone
9:30am - 10:30am on Fri 8th, December (Davis Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin)
CHAIR: Jean-Marie Normand
ABSTRACT: This talk will present experiences and thoughtful strategies of delivering research into mass appeal interactive virtual worlds from 3d multiplayer streaming immersion in the rich story worlds of Harry Potter with Electronic Arts to generative digital twins from aerial LiDAR scanning with Cobra Simulation Ltd. Developing techniques for believable digital actors and theme park motion rides for Star Wars with Disney Research. Defining scalable rendering for dynamic visual world creation of the metaverse for Roblox. And finally, with Edinburgh Napier University and 3Finery Ltd launching new emotional conversational AI personalities in Intermediated Reality and finally, and exploring the challenge of effective presence in online dancing with a current European FET PROACT project CAROUSEL #101017779 with an open source system called DanceGraph.
SPEAKER BIO: Prof. Kenny Mitchell is chair of Video Game Technology at Edinburgh Napier University providing graphics solutions for video games, immersive technology and media. Dr. Mitchell leads technical developments into various video games, movies, and consumer products, including "Harry Potter", "Roblox", "Star Wars: Rogue One", "Pirates of the Caribbean", and "Finding Dory"; and holds over 40 patents in computer graphics and motion capture. Prof. Mitchell is currently the co-Editor-in-Chief for ACM Games: Research and Practice, and Associate Editor for ACM Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques and Elsevier Computers and Graphics journals.
Papers Programme ▲
The following is a listing of the main technical papers programme. Presentations will be 20 minutes for full papers or 15 minutes for short papers, with approx. 10 minutes for questions/changeover. All full paper presentations will take place in the Thomas Davis Theatre, Arts Building, TCD [DIRECTIONS].
Papers Session #1: DISPLAYS
Weds 6th December @ 11:00 - 12:30 (Davis Theatre, TCD)
CHAIR: Hiroaki Yano
- 3D Computer Graphics-Based Grass Pixel Simulation System for Color Scale Mapping Method
Mizuno, Akito; Tanaka, Kojiro; Mikawa, Masahiko; Fujisawa, Makoto; - Analyzing the Behavior of Projector-Camera Systems Based on Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Amano, Toshiyuki; - Mid-air image's background changes the impression of a mid-air image
Yano, Yutaro; Koizumi, Naoya;
Weds 6th December @ 13:45 - 15:45 (Davis Theatre, TCD)
CHAIR: Christopher Peters
- Embodied Conversational Agents with Situation Awareness for Training in Virtual Reality
Kán, Peter; Rumpelnik, Martin; Kaufmann, Hannes; - Insights From a Study on Subtle Mimicry in Human-Agent Interaction
Ungruh, Robin; Schmidt, Susanne; Norouzi, Nahal; Steinicke, Frank; - Developing a Scale for Measuring the Believability of Virtual Agents
Guo, Siqi; Adamo-Villani , Nicoletta; Mousas, Christos; - Real-time self-contact retargeting of avatars down to finger level
Delahaye, Mathias; Herbelin, Bruno; Boulic, Ronan;
Papers Session #3: PERCEPTION
Weds 6th December @ 16:15 - 17:45 (Davis Theatre, TCD)
CHAIR: Rebecca Fribourg
- Consistency of Virtual Human Faces: Effect of Stylization and Expressiveness Intensity on the Perception of Characters
Dubosc, Charlotte; Gorisse, Geoffrey; Christmann, Olivier; Richir, Simon - Impact of Immersiveness on Persuasiveness, Politeness, and Social Adherence in Human-Agent Interactions within Small Groups
Zojaji, Sahba; Steed, Anthony; Peters, Christopher; - Exploring the Perception of Center of Mass changes for VR Avatars
Vyas, Bharat; Hoyet, Ludovic; O'Sullivan, Carol
Papers Session #4: 3D INTERACTION
Thurs 7th December @ 9:20 - 10:40 (Davis Theatre, TCD)
CHAIR: Nobuchika Sakata
- Comparison of Touchless Interaction With One and Multiple Optical Sensors
Novácek, Tomás; Kondac, Radoslav; Jirina, Marcel; - Ownership Estimation for Tracked Hands in a Colocated VR Environment
Reimer, Dennis; Scherzer, Daniel; Kaufmann, Hannes; - 4D Exploring System for Intuitive Understanding of 4D Space by Extending Familiar 3D Interfaces
Igarashi, Haruo; Sawada, Hideyuki; (short paper)
Thurs 7th December @ 10:40 - 12:40 (Davis Theatre, TCD)
CHAIR: Veronica Sunstedt
- Comparative Glyph-Field Trajectory Analyses with an AR+Tablet Hybrid User Interface for Geospatial Analysis Tasks
Hu, Sathaporn "Hubert"; Reilly, Derek; - GAV-VR: An Extensible Framework for Graph Analysis and Visualisation in Virtual Reality
Kerle-Malcharek, Wilhelm; Feyer, Stefan Paul; Schreiber, Falk; Klein, Karsten; - Can You Find Your Way? Comparing Wayfinding Behaviour Between Reality and Virtual Reality
Goupil, Vincent; Arnaldi, Bruno; Argelaguet, Ferran; Dris, Anne-Solenn; Gouranton, Valérie; - Don't denigrate the CAVE ! A comparative Examination of CAVE and HMD for navigation in virtual worlds
Combe, Theo; Chardonnet, Jean-Rémy; Mérienne, Frédéric; Ovtcharova, Jivka; Mestre, Daniel;
Thurs 8th December @ 10:30 - 11:50 (Davis Theatre, TCD)
CHAIR: Aljosa Smolic
- Does the Virtual Environment Design influence Learning?
Minder, Eloise; Chardonnet, Jean-Rémy; (short paper) - 3D Reconstruction for Tele-Immersion in 360° Live Stream
Dluzniewski, Clément; Chekirou, Hakim; Le Garrec, Jérémie; Andriot, Claude; Noël, Frédéric ; - Stacked Dual Attention for Joint Dependency Awareness in Pose Reconstruction and Motion Prediction
Guinot, Lena; Matsumoto, Ryutaro; Iwata, Hiroyasu
Posters and Demos Programme ▲
- A Visual Approach to Pseudo Unseen Presence in the Metaverse Using HMD
Funahashi, Kenji; Matsunoo, Yuzuki; - Study of Pseudoresistance during Water Walking in Augmented Reality
Han, Xu; Sakaguchi, Saki; Shibasaki, Mina; Nakayasu, Akira; Baba, Tetsuaki; Kushiyama, Kumiko - Mitigation of Fear Triggers for Image Viewing in Virtual Reality
Hetterich, Amelie; von Mammen, Sebastian; Pohl, Daniel; - Parallax-based Glyph Composition Technique with Colour-Blending Glyphs
Hu, Sathaporn "Hubert"; Reilly, Derek; - Study of alleviating the symptoms of VR sickness by cooling skin surface
Kawamura, Taiki; Sakata, Nobuchika; - Proposal and Development of a System to Help Students Improve Self-Compassion
Koizumi, Masashi; - Development of Attention Overload Virtual Reality Training System to Extend Effective Attention Resources
Suzuki, Kouta; Iwasaki, Yukiko; Nishida, Nonoka; Tsuji, Ayumu; Kato, Fumihiro ; Iwata; Hiroyasu - TangibleMRCreate: Intuitive Authoring of Mixed Reality Content
Li, Xuyu; Dingliana, John; - Beyond What is Visible: Enhancing Air Quality Awareness through Immersive Virtual Reality Visualizations
Marques, Bernardo; Oliveira, Daniel; Leitão, Hoão; Martins, Nuno Cid; Rafael, Sandra; Dias, Paulo; Sousa Santos, Beatriz; - Subtractive Mixing of Odor Components from Olfactory White to Generate Various Odors from a Limited Number of Components
Matsukura, Haruka; Suzuki, Norihiro; Chida, Ryusuke; Takahashi, Shu; Uzawa, Yuki; Ishida, Hiroshi; - Virtual Zoomorphic Accessories for Enhancing Perception of Vehicle Dynamics in Real-Time
Momota, Koji; Uranishi, Yuki; Kiyokawa, Kiyoshi; Orlosky, Jason; Ratsamee, Photchara; Kobayashi, Masato; - Landmark Recognition using Deep Learning in a Virtual Space
Mukai, Nobuhiko; Uematsu, Takashi; Chang, Youngha; - Influence of Pseudo-haptic Weight on Product Rarity Valuation
Okura, Naoya; Oyanagi, Akemi; Narumi, Takuji; Kuzuoka, Hideaki; Amemiya, Tomohiro; - VRMeta-REG Tool to Support Student's Collaboration in Social VR
Pflieger, Laura; Dr. Hartmann, Christian; Prof. Dr. Bannert, Maria; - Controlling the Distribution of Salty Taste Intensity on the Tongue Using Extraoral Galvanic Taste Stimulation
Tanaka, So; Narumi, Takuji; Amemiya, Tomohiro; Kuzuoka, Hideaki; Aoyama, Kazuma; - A GPU Ray Tracing Implementation for Triangular Grid Primitives
von Buelow, Max; Kuijper, Arjan; Fellner, Dieter; - Interactive X-Ray Vision Mediated Reality
Jalan, Priyansh; Dingliana, John - Design of Body Transformation Experience
Murakami, Taichi; Kitazaki, Michiteru; - Improvement of VR science teaching materials that visualize invisible elements and Evaluation as a self-study use
Fujiwara, Miraku; Terata, Yuki; Saruta, Kazuki; Chen, Guoyue; - A Rapid VR House Interior Generator with Eye-tracking Feedback for Home Staging
Miyakawa, Takuya ; Bland, Jeffrey; Yoshikawa, Gaku; Ma, Yuan;
- [Demo of Poster] Design of Body Transformation Experience
Murakami, Taichi; Kitazaki, Michiteru; - [Demo of Poster] Improvement of VR science teaching materials that visualize invisible elements and Evaluation as a self-study use
Fujiwara, Miraku; Terata, Yuki; Saruta, Kazuki; Chen, Guoyue; - [Demo of Poster] A Rapid VR House Interior Generator with Eye-tracking Feedback for Home Staging
Miyakawa, Takuya ; Bland, Jeffrey; Yoshikawa, Gaku; Ma, Yuan; - Augmented Reality Rehabilitation for People with Osteoporosis: Squat exergame (a demo)
Thuilier, E.; Carey, John J.; Dingliana John; Dempsey, Mary; Whelan Brian; Biggins, Shane; Brennan, Attracta. - 3D Reconstruction for Tele-Immersion in 360° Live Stream
Dluzniewski, Clément; Chekirou, Hakim; Le Garrec, Jérémie; Andriot, Claude; Noël, Frédéric ; - 4D Exploring System for Intuitive Understanding of 4D Space by Extending Familiar 3D Interfaces
Igarashi, Haruo; Sawada, Hideyuki; - Comparison of Touchless Interaction With One and Multiple Optical Sensors
Novácek, Tomás; Kondac, Radoslav; Jirina, Marcel; - From virtual to reality! Virtual training induces physiological activation in muscle activity.
Dalila Burin - VR SuperGun: A Virtual Reality Telepresence Solution for Legacy Arcade Hardware
Kieran Nolan
Social Events ▲

Welcome Reception
Weds 6th December @ 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Black Market, The Market Bar, Fade Street Dublin [DIRECTIONS]
A welcome Reception with food and drinks will be held at Market Bar, on Fade Street Dublin, a vibrant and bustling culinary destination that blends historical charm with modern flair. Housed in a stunning, converted Victorian building, this iconic spot boasts a convivial atmosphere, an extensive selection of beverages, and a food menu showcasing a blend of Irish and international flavors. The Market Bar invites patrons to savor a unique experience where the past meets contemporary tastes in the heart of Dublin's city center. Food costs and a bar tab are covered for Registered Conference attendees and Social Ticket holders . More info: [food menu][market bar].

Conference Reception
Thurs 7th December @ 6pm - 8pm
The Long Room, Old Library, Trinity College Dublin [DIRECTIONS]
On the second night of the conference, we invite all attendees to a Wine and Canape Reception in the Long Room of the historic Old Library of Trinity College. Entrance is through the Book of Kells exhibition, where guests will get a glimpse of Ireland's greatest treasure, an illuminated manuscript believed to have been created in c800 AD. The Old Library itself was built in the 18th century and is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. Also currently showcased in the library is Gaia, an installation by Luke Jerram featuring highly detailed sattelite imagery from NASA, shown in three dimensions as it might be seen from space.
All costs are covered for Registered Conference attendees and Social Ticket holders.
More Info : [old library | book of kells | gaia]

Networking Continues
Thurs 7th December @ 8:30pm - 10:30pm
Moss Lane, 37 B Pearse Street, Dublin [DIRECTIONS]
For those who wish to continue networking activities after the wine reception, we have booked space just across the street at Moss Lane, a pleasant little pub with a charming atmosphere, popular for its regularly changing roster of speciality Irish whiskeys. Beer, cocktails and food are also available to order. Please note that for this location, drinks and food are at the attendees own cost.